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Class 4 Advanced Filtering and Dynamic Reporting with BMKCloud

This presentation delves into evaluating outlier samples, analyzing clustering patterns, adjusting differential analysis parameters, and updating reports. Additionally, it demonstrates how to obtain and visualize specific gene sets, perform initial enrichment analysis, interpret results, and conduct trend analysis to identify upregulated genes in treatment groups.

It covers the following topics:

1. Assessing Outlier Samples and Clustering Patterns: Learn how to identify and evaluate outlier samples, analyze clustering patterns, adjust differential analysis parameters, and update reports.

2. Obtaining and Analyzing Upregulated Genes: Discover how to obtain genes that are upregulated in both the H3_VS_N and D3_VS_N groups, perform basic visualizations and initial enrichment analysis, and interpret the results.

3. Conducting Trend Analysis of Gene Expression: Perform trend analysis of gene expression to identify genes that are upregulated in the treatment group.

4. Logical Framework and Insights: Discuss the potential insights and research implications provided by these genes.

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