Artikel sing diterbitake ing Microbiome, Gut microbiota-derived metabolites mediate the neuroprotective effect of melatonin in cognitive impairment induced by sleep deprivation, through the gut microbiota transplantation experiment, Aeromonas colonization and LPS or butyrate supplementation experiment, evaluated gut microbes and their metabolites mediate the ameliorative effects. saka melatonin ing gangguan kognitif-induced turu lan ngungkapake mekanisme melatonin sing bisa ditindakake kanggo ningkatake respon inflamasi sing disebabake kurang turu ing hippocampus lan gangguan memori spasial.
BMKGENE nyedhiyakake urutan amplikon mikroba lengkap lan layanan pengujian metabolom non-target kanggo panliten iki.
Wektu kirim: Mei-12-2023