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周二的featured publication6.14-01(1)The article, named “Unraveling the ecological mechanisms of Aluminum on microbial community succession in epiphytic biofilms on Vallisneria natans leaves: Novel insights from microbial interactions”, was published in Journal of Hazardous Materials.

This study conducted a mesocosm experiment aimed at elucidating the impact of different aluminum (Al) concentrations on microbial communities in epiphytic biofilms on Vallisneria natans. The shift in keystone taxa with increasing Al concentration pointed to alterations in the functional dynamics of microbial communities.

This study highlights the critical need to control appropriate concentration Al concentrations to preserve microbial diversity, sustain ecological functions, and enhance lake remediation in aquatic ecosystems.

BMKGENE provided 16S and 18S amplicon sequencing services for this study.

If you would like to learn more about this study, access this link. For more information on our sequencing and bioinformatics services, you can talk to us here.

Post time: Jul-17-2024

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