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高盐榨菜废水,细菌,微生物-01(1)The article, titled “Phycoremediation and valorization of hypersaline pickled mustard wastewater via Chaetoceros muelleri and indigenous bacteria”, was published in Bioresource Technology.


- Hypersaline pickled mustard wastewater was bioremediated through the co-treatment of Chaetoceros muelleri and indigenous bacteria.

- Microbial community analysis showed changes in the relative abundance of certain bacteria after treatment.

- C. muelleri reduced the relative abundance of potentially pathogenic bacteria.

- The work offers an environmentally friendly approach for hypersaline wastewater treatment.

BMKGENE provided sequencing and analysis services of 16S amplicon for this study.

If you would like to learn more about this study, access this link. For more information on our sequencing and bioinformatics services, you can talk to us here.

Post time: Jul-18-2024

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