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featured pub-01(1)The article published in Phenomics, titled “Integrative Identification by Hi-C Revealed Distinct Advanced Structural Variations in Lung Adenocarcinoma Tissue”. This study used high-throughput chromosome (Hi-C) conformation capture technology to detect the advanced structural variations in chromatin of two non-smoking lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) tumors and paired normal tissues. The results indicate that significant chromatin variations are detected in tumor tissues compared with normal tissues. This study provides a comprehensive overview of advanced structures in LUAD for the first time and provides a basis for further research on the genetic variation of this tumor.

BMKGENE provided Hi-C chromatin interaction bioinformatics analysis services for this study.

If you would like to learn more about this study, access this link. For more information on our sequencing and bioinformatics services, you can talk to us here.

Post time: Nov-26-2024

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