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featured publication 11.7(1)SLAF-seq has found notable applications! Today, let’s delve into a practical example of SLAF’s utilization in population evolutionary studies. In an article published in Molecular Ecology (IF = 6.185), titled “Ecological adaptation shaped the genetic structure of homoploid ferns against strong dispersal capacity,” researchers employed SLAF-seq to conduct simplified genome sequencing of the Athyrium sinense complex, a representative fern plant group. By obtaining significant SNP variation sites across the entire genome and analyzing the population’s genetic structure, they unveiled genetic differentiation patterns molded by ecological adaptation under the strong dispersal capability of fern plants’ spores.


Analyzing potential driving factors including geographical distance, environment, climate history, and external dispersal, it was discovered that the complex group showed significant genetic, morphological, and ecological differences between southern and northern populations divided by East Asia at 35°N (north of the Qinling-Bashan mountains). Population historical dynamics and distribution area simulations indicated that changes in Quaternary climate enabled the group to migrate from Northeast Asia to Southwest Asia and settle in new habitats. Besides ecological adaptability, the study highlighted that forest canopy closure, wind direction, and habitat continuity could also restrict gene flow. These findings provide new insights into the spatiotemporal evolutionary patterns of fern plants, emphasizing the impact of habitat heterogeneity on genetic differentiation in the face of strong dispersal capabilities.


Specific-Locus Fragment Sequencing (SLAF-seq), an independently developed simplified genome sequencing technology by BMKGENE, is particularly suitable for species with ultra-large, ultra-complex genomes, or species without publicly available genomes.

If you would like to learn more about this study, access this link. For more information on our sequencing and bioinformatics services, you can talk to us here.

Post time: Nov-26-2024

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