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Featured Publication–Unraveling the influence of human fecal pollution on antibiotic resistance gene levels in different receiving water bodies using crAssphage indicator gene news8 Antibiotic resistance in environment has becoming a matter of great concern, which influences the evolution of microbial community. Lately, the correlation between human fecal pollution and occurrence of Antibiotic resistant genes (ARGs) in different receiving water bodies has been studied indicating the potential effects of human fecal contamination on the distribution and sources of ARGs in water bodies. In this study, BMKGENE contributed in 16S amplicon sequencing based microbiome profiling in different water bodies and feces, where a significant correlation between ARG composition and microbiome composition was identified. Learn more about this paper at BMKGENE continues to supply trusted sequencing services to help researchers achieve their goals.

Post time: May-08-2023

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