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DNA methylation is one of the most extensively studied epigenetic modifications. It plays a crucial role in genome stability, gene transcription regulation, and trait development. The transcription of genes is determined by their methylation status, with low methylation levels associated with gene expression and high methylation levels associated with gene silencing.

Integrating whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) and RNA-seq data allows for a comprehensive analysis of the genome and transcriptome, revealing gene regulatory mechanisms, and identifying novel biological mechanisms and biomarkers. The association between transcriptome and methylation sequencing data can be established based on genes, integrating both datasets using genes as a bridge.

This analysis helps to understand the correlation between DNA methylation and gene expression, identify genes influenced by methylation, and investigate downstream functional effects.

Feel free to contact BMKGENE  for unparalleled insights into epigenetic research.

Post time: Dec-05-2023

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