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  • Factory making Ngs Provider -
 Long non-coding sequencing – Illumina – Biomarker

    Factory making Ngs Provider - Long non-coding sequencing – Illumina – Biomarker

    Service Advantages Service Specifications Bioinformatics analyses ü Whole genome resequencing ü Data processing ü SNP/Indel calling ü Candidate region screening ü Candidate gene function annotation Sample Requirements and Delivery Sample Requirements: gDNA sample Tissue sample Concentration: ≥30 ng/μl Plants: 1-2 g Amount: ≥2 μg (Volumn ≥15 μl) Animals: 0.5-1 g Purity: OD260/280= 1.6-2.5 Whole blood: 1.5 ml Service Work Flow ...
  • OEM/ODM Supplier Bioinformatics Data Analysis -
 Evolutionary Genetics – Biomarker

    OEM/ODM Supplier Bioinformatics Data Analysis - Evolutionary Genetics – Biomarker

    Service Advantages Service Specifications Bioinformatics analyses ü Whole genome resequencing ü Data processing ü SNP/Indel calling ü Candidate region screening ü Candidate gene function annotation Sample Requirements and Delivery Sample Requirements: gDNA sample Tissue sample Concentration: ≥30 ng/μl Plants: 1-2 g Amount: ≥2 μg (Volumn ≥15 μl) Animals: 0.5-1 g Purity: OD260/280= 1.6-2.5 Whole blood: 1.5 ml Service Work Flow ...
  • Super Purchasing for Species Diversity -
 PacBio-Full-length Transcriptome (Non-Reference) – Biomarker

    Super Purchasing for Species Diversity - PacBio-Full-length Transcriptome (Non-Reference) – Biomarker

    Raw data procession CCS extraction Full-length non-chimeric(FLNC) reads identification Consensus transcripts identification Transcipt identification Unigenes construction Isoform identification Alternative splicing Differential alternative splicng APA analysis Differential APA Fusion genes Differential fu...
  • Factory made hot-sale Gene Structure -
 Nanopore-based metagenome sequencing – Biomarker

    Factory made hot-sale Gene Structure - Nanopore-based metagenome sequencing – Biomarker

    Service Advantages Service Specifications Bioinformatics analyses ü Raw data quality control ü Metagenome assembly ü Non-redundant gene set and annotation ü Species diversity analysis ü Genetic function diversity analysis ü Inter-group analysis ü Association analysis against experimental factors Sample Requirements and Delivery Sample requirements and delivery Sample Requirements:    For DNA extracts:  Sample Type Amount Concentration Purity DNA ex...
  • Discount Price Genotype -
 mRNA(Reference) – Biomarker
  • 8 Year Exporter Multi Omics -
 Fungal Genome – Biomarker

    8 Year Exporter Multi Omics - Fungal Genome – Biomarker

    Service Advantages Service Specifications Bioinformatics analyses üRaw data quality control üGenome assembly üGenome component analysis üGene function annotation üComparative genomic analysis Sample Requirements and Delivery Sample Requirements: For DNA extracts: Sample Type Amount Concentration Purity DNA extracts > 3 μg > 20 ng/μl OD260/280= 1.6-2.5 For tissue samples: Sample type Recommended sample treatment Sample storage and shi...
  • Factory Promotional Next Generation Sequencing Provider -
 Small RNA sequencing – Illumina – Biomarker

    Factory Promotional Next Generation Sequencing Provider - Small RNA sequencing – Illumina – Biomarker

    Service Advantages Sample Requirements and Delivery Sample Requirements: Nucleotides: Purity Integrity Contamination Amount OD260/280≥1.7-2.5; OD260/230≥0.5-2.5; For plants: RIN≥6.5; For animals: RIN≥7; 28S/18S≥1.0; limited or no baseline elevation Limited or no protein or DNA contamination shown on gel. Conc. ≥300 ng/μl; Volumn ≥ 10 μl; Total ≥ 3 μg Tissue: Weight(dry): ≥1 g *For tissue smaller than 5 mg, we recommend to send flash frozen(in liquid nitrogen) tissue ...
  • China wholesale Amplicon Sequencing -
 De novo Full-length Transcriptome sequencing -PacBio – Biomarker

    China wholesale Amplicon Sequencing - De novo Full-length Transcriptome sequencing -PacBio – Biomarker

    Service Advantages Service Specifications Bioinformatics analyses ü Raw data processing   ü Transcript identification   ü Sequence structure   ü Expression Quantification   ü Function Annotation Sample Requirements and Delivery Sample Requirements: Nucleotides: Amount Total ≥ 3 μg;  Conc. ≥ 300 ng/μl;  Volumn ≥ 10 μl Integrity For plants: RIN ≥ 7.5; For animals: RIN ≥ 8;  28S/18S ≥ 1.0;  Limited or no baseline elevation Purity OD260/28...
  • Newly Arrival  Sequencing Pricing -
 Evolutionary Genetics – Biomarker
  • High definition Sequence Alignment -
 Amplicon (16S/18S/ITS) – Biomarker

    High definition Sequence Alignment - Amplicon (16S/18S/ITS) – Biomarker

    Data Processing Raw data quality control Operational Taxonomic Unit(OTU) Clustering Taxonomy Species annotation Phylogenetic tree Components structure Alternative splicing Heatmap on species abundance Alpha Diversity Alpha-diversity metrics Rarefaction curve Shannon-Wiener curve Venn diagram Species accumulation curve Beta Diversity PCoA PCA UPGMA NMDS Advanced analysis Differential analysis LEfSe Intergroup correlation analysis Ternary phase diagram A...
  • OEM/ODM Manufacturer Genomic Sequencing Companies -
 Toolkits – Biomarker

    OEM/ODM Manufacturer Genomic Sequencing Companies - Toolkits – Biomarker

    Heatmap Drawer   Heatmap drawer is used for heat map drawing, which can filter, normalize and cluster matrix data.It is mostly used for cluster analysis of gene expression level between different samples. Gene Annotation   Attaching biological functions to sequences in FASTA file by aligning sequences to database, including NR, KEGG, COG, SwissProt, TrEMBL, KOG, Pfam. BLAST   BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) is an algorithm and program to find ...
  • Lowest Price for Otu Microbiome -
 Toolkits – Biomarker

    Lowest Price for Otu Microbiome - Toolkits – Biomarker

    Heatmap Drawer   Heatmap drawer is used for heat map drawing, which can filter, normalize and cluster matrix data.It is mostly used for cluster analysis of gene expression level between different samples. Gene Annotation   Attaching biological functions to sequences in FASTA file by aligning sequences to database, including NR, KEGG, COG, SwissProt, TrEMBL, KOG, Pfam. BLAST   BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) is an algorithm and program to find ...
  • Wholesale Discount Wgs Provider -
 NGS-WGS (Illumina/BGI) – Biomarker

    Wholesale Discount Wgs Provider - NGS-WGS (Illumina/BGI) – Biomarker

    Bioinformatics Raw data quality control Alignment with reference genome SNP identification SNP annotation SNP calling among samples Small InDel identification Small Indels between sample SV calling Small InDel annotation CNV calling Distribution of variations on genome Circos map ...

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