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  • OEM Manufacturer Oxford Nanopore Service -
 De novo Full-length Transcriptome sequencing -PacBio – Biomarker

    OEM Manufacturer Oxford Nanopore Service - De novo Full-length Transcriptome sequencing -PacBio – Biomarker

    Service Advantages Service Specifications Bioinformatics analyses ü Raw data processing   ü Transcript identification   ü Sequence structure   ü Expression Quantification   ü Function Annotation Sample Requirements and Delivery Sample Requirements: Nucleotides: Amount Total ≥ 3 μg;  Conc. ≥ 300 ng/μl;  Volumn ≥ 10 μl Integrity For plants: RIN ≥ 7.5; For animals: RIN ≥ 8;  28S/18S ≥ 1.0;  Limited or no baseline elevation Purity OD260/28...
  • High Performance  Resequencing Pricing -
 Bacterial and Fungal Whole Genome Re-sequencing – Biomarker

    High Performance Resequencing Pricing - Bacterial and Fungal Whole Genome Re-sequencing – Biomarker

    Service Specifications Platform: NovaSeq 6000 platform, PE150 Library type: 350bp insert cDNA library (depends on peak distribution) Sequencing strategy: Paired-End 150 bp Recommend sequencing coverage: ≥100× for bacterial genomes, ≥50× for fungal genomes Sample Requirements Genomic DNA Amount:≥ 3ug Genomic DNA Concentration:≥ 20ng/μL Service Work Flow Sample delivery Library construction Sequencing Data analysis After-sale ser...
  • Europe style for Mrna Seq Cost -
 Bulked Segregant analysis – Biomarker

    Europe style for Mrna Seq Cost - Bulked Segregant analysis – Biomarker

    Service Advantages Service Specifications Bioinformatics analyses ü Whole genome resequencing ü Data processing ü SNP/Indel calling ü Candidate region screening ü Candidate gene function annotation Sample Requirements and Delivery Sample Requirements: gDNA sample Tissue sample Concentration: ≥30 ng/μl Plants: 1-2 g Amount: ≥2 μg (Volumn ≥15 μl) Animals: 0.5-1 g Purity: OD260/280= 1.6-2.5 Whole blood: 1.5 ml Service Work Flow ...
  • China Cheap price 10x Genomics Provider -
 Evolutionary Genetics – Biomarker

    China Cheap price 10x Genomics Provider - Evolutionary Genetics – Biomarker

    Service Advantages Service Specifications Bioinformatics analyses ü Whole genome resequencing ü Data processing ü SNP/Indel calling ü Candidate region screening ü Candidate gene function annotation Sample Requirements and Delivery Sample Requirements: gDNA sample Tissue sample Concentration: ≥30 ng/μl Plants: 1-2 g Amount: ≥2 μg (Volumn ≥15 μl) Animals: 0.5-1 g Purity: OD260/280= 1.6-2.5 Whole blood: 1.5 ml Service Work Flow ...
  • 2021 China New Design Total Rna Sequencing -
 mRNA(Reference) – Biomarker
  • Wholesale Price China Small Rna Sequencing -
 Hi-C based Genome Assembly  – Biomarker

    Wholesale Price China Small Rna Sequencing - Hi-C based Genome Assembly – Biomarker

    Service Advantages Service Specifications Bioinformatics analyses ü Raw data quality contro l ü Hi-C library quality control ü Hi-C based genome assembly ü Post-assembly evaluation Sample Requirements and Delivery Sample Requirements: For animals: 1.Muscle (Frozen): ≥ 2 g; 2.Whole blood (Non-frozen): ≥ 2 ml (for 3 libraries) For plants: 1.Seedlings (e.g. young seedlings cultivated from seeds, tissue culture seedingling, etc) : collect all leaves and young stem...
  • Excellent quality Basic Bioinformatics -
 PacBio-Full-length Transcriptome (Non-Reference) – Biomarker

    Excellent quality Basic Bioinformatics - PacBio-Full-length Transcriptome (Non-Reference) – Biomarker

    Raw data procession CCS extraction Full-length non-chimeric(FLNC) reads identification Consensus transcripts identification Bioinformatics Data quality control Protein-protein interaction Expression Alternative splicing Go enrichment Transcipt identification Unigenes construction Isoform identification Alternative splicing Differential alternative splicng APA analysis Differential APA Fusion genes Differential fusion gene Homologuos genes Gene family SSR ...
  • OEM China Dnbseq -
 Amplicon (16S/18S/ITS) – Biomarker

    OEM China Dnbseq - Amplicon (16S/18S/ITS) – Biomarker

    Data Processing Raw data quality control Operational Taxonomic Unit(OTU) Clustering Taxonomy Species annotation Phylogenetic tree Components structure Alternative splicing Heatmap on species abundance Alpha Diversity Alpha-diversity metrics Rarefaction curve Shannon-Wiener curve Venn diagram Species accumulation curve Beta Diversity PCoA PCA UPGMA NMDS Advanced analysis Differential analysis LEfSe Intergroup correlation analysis Ternary phase diagram A...
  • Best Price for Mirna Sequencing -
 Plant/Animal De novo Genome Sequencing – Biomarker

    Best Price for Mirna Sequencing - Plant/Animal De novo Genome Sequencing – Biomarker

    Service Advantages Service Specifications Bioinformatics analyses ü Whole genome resequencing ü Data processing ü SNP/Indel calling ü Candidate region screening ü Candidate gene function annotation Sample Requirements and Delivery Sample Requirements: gDNA sample Tissue sample Concentration: ≥30 ng/μl Plants: 1-2 g Amount: ≥2 μg (Volumn ≥15 μl) Animals: 0.5-1 g Purity: OD260/280= 1.6-2.5 Whole blood: 1.5 ml Service Work Flow ...
  • Chinese wholesale Soil Metagenomics -
 Metagenomics (NGS) – Biomarker

    Chinese wholesale Soil Metagenomics - Metagenomics (NGS) – Biomarker

    Transcipt identification Raw data processing Metagenome assembly Metagenome component analysis PCA Function annotation Alpha diversity analysis -Gene level Beta diversity on functional genes PCoA Non-redundant gene set NMDS UPGMA Anosim permanova RDA/CCA Intergroup differential analysis Alpha diversity analysis -Species level: Random forest Lefse Beta diversity analysis on species
  • Europe style for Metagenomics And Microbiome -
 Evolutionary Genetics – Biomarker

    Europe style for Metagenomics And Microbiome - Evolutionary Genetics – Biomarker

    Service Advantages Service Specifications Bioinformatics analyses ü Whole genome resequencing ü Data processing ü SNP/Indel calling ü Candidate region screening ü Candidate gene function annotation Sample Requirements and Delivery Sample Requirements: gDNA sample Tissue sample Concentration: ≥30 ng/μl Plants: 1-2 g Amount: ≥2 μg (Volumn ≥15 μl) Animals: 0.5-1 g Purity: OD260/280= 1.6-2.5 Whole blood: 1.5 ml Service Work Flow ...
  • Cheap price Whole Genome Sequencing Service -
 PacBio-Full-length Transcriptome (Non-Reference) – Biomarker

    Cheap price Whole Genome Sequencing Service - PacBio-Full-length Transcriptome (Non-Reference) – Biomarker

    Raw data procession CCS extraction Full-length non-chimeric(FLNC) reads identification Consensus transcripts identification Transcipt identification Unigenes construction Isoform identification Alternative splicing Differential alternative splicng APA analysis Differential APA Fusion genes Differential fu...
  • High Performance  Genome Annotation -
 Whole genome bisulfite sequencing – Biomarker

    High Performance Genome Annotation - Whole genome bisulfite sequencing – Biomarker

    Service Advantages Sample Requirements Service Specifications Platform: NovaSeq 6000 platform, PE150 Recommended Sequencing Depth :≥30× coverage Service Work Flow Experiment design Sample delivery DNA extraction Library construction Sequencing Data analysis After-sale services

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